How To Page for Supporting Databases.
Adding Area Distribution Factor
Each market is defined as a combination of smaller areas. Each area can in turn be part of more than one market. For more information on the definition of areas within a market see What is an Area?
For each specific market you must enter a default percentage distribution that represents the number of faces located in each area in relation to all areas within the market definition. For example if 15% of all faces in a market are physically located in the southeast area of the market the distribution factor of 15% should be set for the southeast area.
When a market is identified on a Subcontract the system automatically assumes that the faces on the subcontract should be distributed among the areas of the market using the default percentage distribution (this can be modified for specific subcontracts see Adding a Subcontract for more information).
To enter the default area distribution for each market go the Ad Manager Explorer window, open the Other Databases folder and click on All Markets. Double click the desired name on the right side of the screen. Once selected the user will see the following Market Detail screen:
To add a new area to the market definition click on the New button () on the Details Tab and select the area to be added. The area must already be in system in order to add it to a market. A percentage distribution for that area also needs to be entered. Note that the percentages must add up to 100%. Ad Manager will proportionately adjust any figures entered to total 100%.
If you are modifying previously entered areas double click on the existing percentage to the right of the area that requires changing or click on the area name and select the properties button () to enter the new number.
This database has a listing of all valid area names. Areas are the smallest user-defined portions of a market. Areas can be combined in different ways to form market definitions. Areas are used for geographic charting/skewing purposes not demographic definitions. Demographic definitions are best left to Advertiser/Group definitions on a face by face basis. For more information on Areas, click here.
Adding a New Area
To add a new Area, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Area. The Area Details Window will appear, and a new area can be entered.
Modifying an Area
To modify an Area, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting an Area
To delete an Area, there must be no faces associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the area.
Bill Posters
This database contains the name for each billposter team or individual billposter.
Entering a New Billposter
To add a new Billposter, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Billposter. The Billposter Details Window will appear, and information for a new Billposter can be entered.
Ad Manager allows you to enter employee related information for a Billposter including address and contact information on the Details page. The Financial page can be used to enter additional information related to the Billposter's rates,etc. Ad Manager also allows you to track how to ship copy to the Billposter (Shipping page) and a substitute Billposter to use in the event this Billposter is not available (Substitute page).
Modifying a Billposter
To modify a Billposter, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Billposter
To delete a Billposter, there must be no postings associated with them. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the Billposter.
Ad Manager allows you to identify which brand the advertiser is selling in a particular campaign. For example, Ford Motor Company may be promoting the Mustang brand in a particular campaign.
Adding a New Brand
To add a new Brand, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Brand. The Brand Details Window will appear, and a new Brand can be entered.
Modifying a Brand
To modify a Brand, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Brand
To delete an Area, there must be no advertisers associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the area.
The CATEGORY database contains a listing of all valid advertising and condition categories in Ad Manager. These CATEGORIES are used to assist in the determination of any advertiser or condition conflicts within the line of sight or with the surrounding environment during the charting process.
Adding a New Category
To add a new Category, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Category. The Category Details Window will appear, and a new Category can be entered.
Modifying a Category
To modify a Category, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Category
To delete a Category, there must be no advertisers associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the category.
The CITY option contains a listing of all valid cities/municipalities/towns for advertising structures to be located. This is used in the LOCATIONS database, as well as on posting cards and reports produced by Ad Manager.
Adding a New City
To add a new City, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select City. The City Details Window will appear, and a new City can be entered. You can also select the County, State and Country that this city is associated with.
Modifying a City
To modify a City, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a City
To delete a City, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the city.
The Contacts Database allows you to maintain a central listing of all your key contacts.
Adding a New Contact
To add a new Contact, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Contact. The Contact Details Window will appear, and a new Contact can be entered. You can also select the address information, along with any Notes you may wish to include about the individual on the Notes page.
Modifying a Contact
To modify a Contact, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Contact
To delete a Contact, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the contact.
The COUNTY/REGION database is also used in the LOCATIONS database to identify where a structure is located. This information is used throughout the reporting and posting cards to further assist in describing the location.
Adding a New County/Region
To add a new County, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select County. The County Details Window will appear, and a new County can be entered. A county can be associated with a state and/or country if desired.
Modifying a County/Region
To modify a County/Region, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a County/Region
To delete a County/Region, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the county/region.
The COUNTRY database allows users to identify which country a site is located in. This field is useful in identifying where a Site is situated if you have sites in multiple countries.
Adding a New Country
To add a new Country, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Country. The Country Details Window will appear, and a new Country can be entered.
Modifying a Country
To modify a Country, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Country
To delete a Country, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the country.
Design Suppliers
The SUPPLIERS database contains a listing of all suppliers that send designs to your plant. This allows users who track design arrivals to identify which supplier sent each design.
Adding a Supplier
To add a new Supplier, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Supplier. The Supplier Details Window will appear, and a new Supplier can be entered.
Contact information for the supplier can be added from the Contacts page.
Modifying a Supplier
To modify a Supplier, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Supplier
To delete a Supplier, there must be no designs associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the supplier.
The DMA (Demographic Metropolitan Area) database is used to store information about the DMAs.
Adding a New DMA
To add a new DMA, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select DMA. The DMA Details Window will appear, and a new DMA can be entered.
Modifying a DMA
To modify a DMA, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a DMA
To delete a DMA, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the DMA.
The DMA database is used to store information on each DMA.
Adding a New DMA
To add a new DMA, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select DMA. The DMA Details Window will appear, and a new DMA can be entered.
Modifying a DMA
To modify a DMA, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Design
To delete a DMA, there must be no site associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the DMA.
Face Size
This database contains a listing of all face sizes in your inventory.
Adding a New Face Size
To add a new Face Size, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Face Size. The Face Size Details Window will appear, and a new Face Size can be entered.
Modifying a Face Size
To modify a Face Size, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Face Size
To delete a Face Size, there must be no faces associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the face size.
Ad Manager allows you to enter different job types for tracking information in the system. Two jobs are already included with Ad Manager, "Bill Poster" and "Sales Person".
Adding a New Job
To add a new Job, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Job. The Job Details Window will appear, and a new Job can be entered.
Modifying a Job
To modify a Job, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Job
To delete a Job, there must be no persons associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the job.
Ad Manager maintains a database of all leases that structures are assigned to. The lease information is used in a number of areas of the software. Additional information can be entered.
Adding a New Lease
To add a new Lease, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Lease. The Lease Details Window will appear, and a new Lease can be entered. Contact details can be entered on the Contacts page.
Modifying a Lease
To modify a Lease, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Lease
To delete a Lease, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the lease.
Maintenance Route
The Maintenance Route database provides you with the ability to set up Maintenance Routes for your crews. When maintenance incidents are printed for resolution, they can be sorted by Maintenance Route for easy assignment of work.
Adding a New Maintenance Route
To add a new Maintenance Route, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Maintenance Route. The Maintenance Route Details Window will appear, and a new Maintenance Route can be entered.
Modifying a Maintenance Route
To modify a Maintenance Route, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Maintenance Route
To delete a Maintenance Route, there must be no faces associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the maintenance route.
Markets are regions for which contracts are sold; a market is made up of one or more different AREAS.
The MARKETS database is used when creating and charting a contract. When inputting a contract, a market (consisting of areas) is selected to provide the client with an agreed upon distribution of faces in their target area(s). When charting, the MARKETS database is accessed to determine what distribution of faces within each area in the market should be provided according to the market definition. This will either avoid or allow skewings of each campaign to certain areas. These are default distributions for each market defined. The percentages can be modified on a per contract basis.
Adding a New Market
To add a new Market, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Market. The Market Details Window will appear, and a new Market can be entered.
Population information is entered on the Population page. The new population will take affect based on the AS OF date. Population figures will affect GRP values for faces on existing and planned contracts.
For information on entering the Area Distribution Factors, click here.
Modifying a Market
To modify a Market, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
For information on modifying the Area Distribution Factors, click here
Deleting a Market
To delete a Market, there must be no contracts associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the market.
Media Buyer
This database allows you to enter in any Media Buyers that are involved. Ad Manager allows you to track information on which contracts are handled by each media buyer.
Adding a New Media Buyer
To add a new Media Buyer, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Media Buyer. The Media Buyer Details Window will appear, and a new Media Buyer can be entered.
Modifying a Media Buyer
To modify a Media Buyer, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Media Buyer
To delete a Media Buyer, there must be no contracts associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the media buyer.
Mobile Route
Adding a New Mobile Route
To add a new Mobile Route, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Mobile Route. The Mobile Route Details Window will appear, and a new Mobile Route can be entered.
Modifying a Mobile Route
To modify a Mobile Route, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Mobile Route
To delete a Mobile Route, there must be no sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the Mobile Route.
The Permit database tracks all Permits issued for every site in your inventory. Information on when each Permit was requested, approved, expires and when the reapplication process should begin is all stored for quick and easy access.
Adding a New Permit
To add a new Permit, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Site Permit. The Permit Details Window will appear, and a new Permit can be entered.
Modifying a Permit
To modify a Permit, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Permit
To delete a Permit, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item you wish to delete. Click the Delete icon (). Ad Manager will not allow you to delete a Permit if it is already in use.
Adding a New Person
To add a new Person, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Person. The Person Details Window will appear, and a new Person can be entered. Click on the New (
) button in the Jobs window, and select or add the desired Job. Click the Save(
) button when you have finished.
Modifying a Person
To modify a Person, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Person
To delete a Person, they must not be used elsewhere in Ad Manager. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the person.
The PLACE database contains the names of all shopping malls, airports or "people places" in which your plant has located advertising panels, and which you have input into the database. The place description information input here is used as the location description in the LOCATIONS database. All pedestrian facilities, such as sports stadia, movie theatres or hotel lobbies can also be input into this database.
Adding a New Place
To add a new Place, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Place. The Place Details Window will appear, and a new Place can be entered, along with the appropriate information.
If you wish to add a Contact for the Place, go to the Contacts page and click the New () button. Select the contact from the list, or click on <New...> to add a new contact.
Modifying a Place
To modify a Place, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Place
To delete a Place, there must be no Sites associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the place.
Sales Office
The sales office allows users the ability to identify the sales/group office originating the contract. It could also be used to identify the type of contract or grouping of a contract as defined by the user.
Adding a New Sales Office
To add a new Sales Office, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Sales Office. The Sales Office Details Window will appear, and a new Sales Office can be entered.
Modifying a Sales Office
To modify a Sales Office, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Sales Office
To delete a Sales Office, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item you wish to delete. Click the Delete icon (). Ad Manager will not allow you to delete a Sales Office if it is already in use.
Site Permit
The Site Permit database tracks all Permits issued for every site in your inventory. Information on when each Permit was requested, approved, expires and when the reapplication process should begin is all stored for quick and easy access.
Adding a New Site Permit
To add a new Site Permit, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Site Permit. The Site Permit Details Window will appear, and a new Site Permit can be entered.
Modifying a Site Permit
To modify a Site Permit, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Site Permit
To delete a Site Permit, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item you wish to delete. Click the Delete icon (). Ad Manager will not allow you to delete a Site Permit if it is already in use.
The STATE/PROVINCE database is also used throughout Ad Manager in its reports and posting cards. These data are part of the LOCATION identification and especially valuable when charting in more than one state/province.
Adding a New State/Province
To add a new State, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select State. The State Details Window will appear, and a new State/Province can be entered. The State can be associated with a Country if desired.
Modifying a State/Province
To modify a State or Province, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a State/Province
To delete a State/Province, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item you wish to delete. Click the Delete icon (). Ad Manager will not allow you to delete a State/Province if it is already in use.
Unit Types
The UNIT TYPES database is used for inputting unit type information into the LOCATIONS database. The unit type typically refers to special conditions concerning the face itself. Examples would include a directory face for mall units, odd sized faces, units which are facing the wrong way on a one way street, or bulletins where no extensions are permitted.
Adding a New Unit Type
To add a new Unit Type, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Unit Type. The Unit Type Details Window will appear, and a new Unit Type can be entered.
Modifying A Unit Type
To modify a Unit Type, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Unit Type
To delete a Unit Type, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item you wish to delete. Click the Delete icon (). Ad Manager will not allow you to delete a Unit Type if it is already in use.
Utility Accounts
The UTILITY ACCOUNTS database allows you to track your utilities for each Site, including meter readings. You can also track and export your utility payments.
Entering a New Utility Account
To add a new Utility Account, click on the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Utility Account. The Utility Account Details Window will appear, and information for a new Utility Account can be entered.
Ad Manager allows you to enter the Vendor, the Account Number and Description of the account, the meter number, the last reading taken, and the dates for when the account was opened and closed on the Details page. The Meter Readings page can be used to enter all the meter readings and the dates they were taken for this Utility Account. Ad Manager also allows you to track the Sites associated with this Utility Account (Sites page) and the payments made on this Utility Account (Payments page).
Modifying a Utility Account
To modify a Utility Account, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
Deleting a Utility Accounts
To delete a Utility Account, there must be no Sites or Payments associated with it. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the Utility Account.
Utility Companies
The UTILITY COMPANIES database contains a listing of companies and/or people to whom you are making a Utility payment(s). Ad Manager uses this database when setting up a Utility Account and the data may be contained in a financial export.
Adding a Utility Company
To add a Utility Company, click the arrow beside the New icon () for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, then select Utility Company. The Utility Company Details window will appear, and a new Utility Company can be entered. Enter the Name of the Company, Business Phone Number, Business Fax Number and E-mail Address (as applicable). To add the Address information, click on the ellipsis (
) and enter the Street and/or Postal Box Number, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code and Country and then click OK.
On the Accounts page you can view all the Utility Accounts that belong with this Utility Company, or click on the New () button to create a new Utility Account.
The Notes page allows the user to enter other information about the Utility Company, not contained on the Details page.
Modifying a Utility Company
To modify a Utility Company, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save () button.
NOTE: Caution should be taken when modifying the Name and/or Company field because Ad Manager will change ALL references to these fields no matter if the Utility Payments have already been exported. Ad Manager history will be changed when you modify these fields even though the users' Accounting Package will contain the original details. Should the user wish to maintain historical data, it is recommended that a new Utility Company be created as well as a new Utility Account.
Deleting a Utility Company
To delete a Utility Company, there must be no reference to it on an Utility Account. Select the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button () for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the Utility Company.