XML Mapping Export Tool

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• NOTE 1: In order to use the XML Mapping Export Tool, users must first make sure that the inventory has been “geocoded” and contains data in the Latitude and Longitude columns.

• NOTE 2: In order to import the XML file to either Google and/or Bing maps, users must have an account with the respective web site.

XML Mapping Export Tool 1.JPG

•The XML Mapping Export Tool can be run from a list, basket and/or finder of objects which contain the Latitude and Longitude data (e.g. Faces, Sites, Players, Postings, etc.).

XML Mapping Export Tool 2.JPG

•To run the Tool, click Tools> XML Mapping Export and choose either Export (to export all in the list) or Export Selection (to export only those that have been selected in the list).

•This will open the XML Mapping Export window.

XML Mapping Export Tool 3.JPG

•Select the Latitude and Longitude Columns from the drop down list.

•Select the Title Column(s) by clicking the Properties button and choosing from the resulting list.

•Select the Description Column(s) by click the Properties button and choosing from the resulting list.

•NOTE: These columns will be part of the export and will appear in the legend of the map.

•Select the Feed Type as appropriate for the desired use of the map data.

•To enter the Output folder/path, click the ellipses button to the right of the field. Choose the folder to save in and name the file. Click Save and the folder/path will be displayed in the field.

•NOTE: It is recommended that the Output folder/path be one that can be accessed by all users rather than a personal one on the local computer.

•Click <OK> and Ad Manager will create the file.

XML Mapping Export Tool 4.JPG

•Click <OK> to close the window.

•Launch Internet Explorer and choose the website into which you are going to import the data.

•Log in to your account on the chosen website.

•NOTE: In this example Google was chosen and the following steps relate to that website.

•NOTE: This file can also be e-mailed to a mail recipient for them to open in their desired map website.

XML Mapping Export Tool 5.JPG

•Click on Maps from the menu items.

XML Mapping Export Tool 6.JPG

•Click on the “My Places” button.

XML Mapping Export Tool 7.JPG

•Click on the “Create Map” button.

XML Mapping Export Tool 8.JPG

•Click on “import”.

XML Mapping Export Tool 9.JPG

•Click on the “Choose File” button to browse to where you saved the Ad Manager XML file.

XML Mapping Export Tool 10.JPG

•Select the file and click <Open>.

XML Mapping Export Tool 11.JPG

•Click the “Upload from File” button.

•Google will load the file of “dots” and display the object(s) on the map, as well as the legend.

XML Mapping Export Tool 12.JPG

•Enter a Title for the map, if desired, as well as a description in the corresponding fields.

XML Mapping Export Tool 13.JPG

•If you want to change the symbol for the “dots”, click on it in the list.

XML Mapping Export Tool 14.JPG

•Click the symbol button in the top right to get a selection of symbols.

XML Mapping Export Tool 15.JPG

•Select the desired symbol from the listing.

•Click <OK>

•The map and the legend will now display the selected symbol.

XML Mapping Export Tool 16.JPG