Setting up Web access

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When using the various Ad Manager web interfaces, users need to be created in the system. This allows you to control access to data within the system.


Web Role

5.7.4 and later

In order to set up the web roles in Ad Manager, you will need to import them into the system.

To import the web roles, go to the server hosting WAMP. In the \api directory of the web Ad Manager tools you will find a file called app.xml. Copy this file to a location where you can access it from within Ad Manager.

Log into Ad Manager and go to Tools-Import Web App... and select the app.xml file. The web roles will now be in Ad Manager for you to select from.

To assign a user, go to the Roles page, click New and select the desired role for this user. The selected role will affect which web access points the user will be able to see.

5.7.3 and earlier

A role called "Ad Manager Web User" needs to exist for a user to be set up with the appropriate access. To create a new web role, go to File - New - Web Role (you will need to scroll to the end). Enter the name "Ad Manager Web User" and Save. Go to the Users tab and click the New button. From here, click OK to see a list of web users that have been created. Select the web user to add and click OK, then save and close the Web Role.

Setting up Billposter Accounts in Ad Manager

Once the Web Role information has been imported into Ad Manager, users can now Set up billposter accounts in Ad Manager