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[[File:New_add_button.JPG]]- Add a new Bill for this Agency. The New Bill window will open; identify if it is a Custom Bill or Contract Bill. where you can choose the Agency to Bill, then proceed to the Bill Definition - Details window where you can enter information related to the Bill.
[[File:New_add_button.JPG]]- Add a new Bill for this Agency. The New Bill window will open; identify if it is a Custom Bill or Contract Bill. where you can choose the Agency to Bill, then proceed to the Bill Definition - Details window where you can enter information related to the Bill.
[[File:New_delete_button.JPG]]- Delete the highlighted Bill from this Agency. Highlight the item and click the Delete button.  Note: Any Bills that have finalized and exported Invoices associated with them will not be deleted.
[[File:New_delete_button.JPG]]- Delete the highlighted Bill from this Agency. Highlight the item and click the Delete button.  Note: Any Bills that have finalized and/or exported Invoices associated with them will not be deleted.
[[File:New_properties_button.JPG]]- Opens the Bill Definition - Details window to review or change any information related to the Bill.
[[File:New_properties_button.JPG]]- Opens the Bill Definition - Details window to review or change any information related to the Bill.

Revision as of 12:37, 14 August 2013


Agency Information

This database contains the name and contact information of each advertising agency or advertiser dealt with directly, rather than through an agency. This database is used during inputting of Contract information as well as for billing purposes. The Agencies database can be considered the "Bill To" database because this is who will receive the invoicing for advertising placed on a company's inventory.

Adding a New Agency

To add a new Agency, click on the arrow beside the New icon (New new button without arrow.JPG) for a list of items that can be added. Select Other, and then select Agency from the list. The Agency Details screen will appear, and a new Agency can be entered.

In the Details page, enter the Agency Name, Client No. (the corresponding account number in the accounting software) (Note: If users decide not to link to an accounting software, it is suggested that the Agency Name be copied/pasted into the Client No. field.),phone and fax numbers. To enter the address information, click the ellipses button to the right of the field and enter the details in the window.

From time to time Agencies may go out of business or change names. When dates are entered in the Active to field, the Agency name will disappear from some pick lists. However, the Agency information will still remain in the database.

Modifying an Agency

To modify an Agency, click the database from the Other folder, then double-click the desired item and make the necessary change(s). Once completed, click the Save (New save button.JPG) button.

Deleting an Agency

To delete an Agency, there must be no Contracts or billing associated with it. Select the database from the Other folder, then double-click the desired item. Select the Delete button (New delete button.JPG) for the record. Ad Manager will ask for confirmation to delete the Agency.


The Bills Page provides a listing of all billing schedules that have been entered into Ad Manager where this Agency is to be invoiced.

New Agency Bills.JPG

Tool buttons found at the top of the Agency - Details screen when on the Bills Page:

New customize button.JPG- Select the Customize Current View button to select the columns of data to be displayed and the order in which to display them.

New order button.JPG- Select Order button to sort the Bills in the desired order.

New refresh button.JPG- The Refresh button will reload the list of Bills, in the event changes to the Bills have occurred since the page was visited.

New update button.JPG- Select the Update button to select one or more Bill Definitions and change information on them. All highlighted Bills will be changed to reflect the items selected.

New allocate revenue button.gif- Select the Allocate Revenue button to allocate revenue identified as being face generated for the highlighted Bill to the assigned Faces.

The functions available through the buttons immediately above the Bills pane are:

New add button.JPG- Add a new Bill for this Agency. The New Bill window will open; identify if it is a Custom Bill or Contract Bill. where you can choose the Agency to Bill, then proceed to the Bill Definition - Details window where you can enter information related to the Bill.

New delete button.JPG- Delete the highlighted Bill from this Agency. Highlight the item and click the Delete button. Note: Any Bills that have finalized and/or exported Invoices associated with them will not be deleted.

New properties button.JPG- Opens the Bill Definition - Details window to review or change any information related to the Bill.

Right Click

New Agency Bills right click.JPG

- Right clicking on the list of Bill Definitions will display this menu. From here you can change the status of a Bill as well as any line items by using the Update option, find revenue not yet allocated, view the status of revenue allocation, allocate revenue, and duplicate the Bill Definition.

To change the information being viewed in the list, simply right click in the list, and choose Customize Current View. To change the sort order, simply right click in the list, and choose Order.

Update - The Update menu item allows you to to modify a property (or properties) for one or more highlighted Bill Definitions.

Find Un-Allocated Revenue - This tool allows you to quickly get a list of which Bill Definitions, from the ones highlighted, have revenue that has not yet been allocated. The Un-Allocated Bill Definitions window will display these Bills. From here, you can highlight each one, click on the Allocate Revenue button in the toolbar and complete the Allocation.

View Revenue Allocation Status - This tool allows you to determine the allocation status for the highlighted Bill Definitions. Ad Manager will inform you if all Revenue has been allocated or if there is still an outstanding amount remaining. If there is still an outstanding amount, double click the Bill Definition to open it, click the Allocate Revenue button in the toolbar and complete the Allocation.

Allocate Revenue - This tool allows you to allocate the revenue from the highlighted Bill Definition(s) to the appropriate Faces.

Duplicate - The Duplicate menu item allows you to create a new Bill Definition with the same Line item configuration as the current Bill Definition.

Go To - The Go To feature allows you to open a window for the appropriate item for the highlighted record.

For additional information on the buttons that appear at the top of the window, click here. For information on the menu items that appear under the Tools menu, click here.

The Filter check box allows you to filter the listing of Bills to show only those that meet a certain criteria. When selected, a filter screen will appear, allowing you to choose to see Bills with certain recurrence patterns, for specific Agencies, etc. When a filter is active, a check mark will appear in the Filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click on Filter, then the Clear button the Filter screen, followed by the OK button.


The Contacts Page is used to enter information referring to all Contact people for an Agency. Names on this list can be added to the Agency information on the Contract and can also appear on the Bill Definition to address invoicing to a specific person.

New Agency Contacts.JPG

Tool buttons specific to the Contacts Page:

New customize button.JPG- Customize Current View allows you to select the columns to display and the order to display them in.

New order button.JPG- Order allows you to sort the list of Contacts on the Agency in the desired order.

New refresh button.JPG- The Refresh button will reload the list of Contacts, in the event changes to the number of Contacts has occurred since you visited this page.

The pane in the window shows a listing of all Contacts that are assigned to this Agency. The functions available through the buttons immediately above the pane are:

New add button.JPG- Add a new Contact to the Agency. Click on this button and either select an existing Name from the list or create a new record by choosing < New >.

New delete button.JPG- Delete the highlighted Contact from the Agency.

New properties button.JPG- Edit the information for the highlighted Contact.

For additional information on buttons that appear at the top of the window, click here. For information on the menu items that appear under the Tools menu, click here.

The Filter check box allows you to filter the listing of Contacts to show only those that meet a certain criteria. When selected, a filter screen will appear, allowing you to choose to see Contacts with a certain Name, Phone number, or Address. When a filter is active, a check mark will appear in the filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click on Filter, then the Clear button on the Filter screen, followed by the OK button.


The Contracts page is a listing of all Contracts that are associated with this Agency. If you wish to see more detail about a Contract, you can double click on it to view it.


The Details Page is where information about the Agency is stored. In Ad Manager, the Agency refers to the "Bill To", regardless of whether it is a recognized advertising agency or you are invoicing the advertiser directly. Therefore, if you are dealing directly with the Advertiser and not going through an Agency, the Advertiser should be entered in Ad Manager as the Agency.

New Agency Details.JPG

For information on the buttons that appear at the top of the window, click here. For information on the menu items that appear under the Tools menu, click here.

Fill in the appropriate information for each field. Select the appropriate item from any of the drop down lists (in the boxes) or type in the information if it is not present.


Active From/To: The dates when this Agency became a client (From) and the date the Agency stops being a client (To). These fields are used when the Agency goes out of business and you no longer wish the name to appear on the list of Agencies when setting up a Contract or a Bill Definition. Once you enter the "to" date, the name will no longer appear.

Address: This is the mailing address for the Agency. To add the Address, click on the ellipsis () for the Address Builder window and fill in the information accordingly.

Client No.: This is a required field and information must be entered. This number will correspond to an Account Number/Client Number that has been set up in your Accounting Package. It is contained in the export file when you export Invoice information from Ad Manager to your Accounting Package.

Fax: This is the Fax number of this particular Agency.

Name: This is the name of the Agency or Advertiser.

Phone: This is the phone number of this Agency.

Financial Details

The Financial Details Page gives you financial summary information for an Agency. Ad Manager allows you to identify a Credit Limit, as well as view Balance Owing amounts of Finalized, Exported and Sent Invoicing for this Agency. This is for information only and will not generate a warning if the invoicing total is greater than the Credit Limit entered.

New Agency Financial Details.JPG

For information on the buttons that appear at the top of the window, click here. For information on the menu items that appear under the Tools menu, click here.

Invoice Summary

The Invoice Summary Page displays a summary of all Invoices created by Bill Definitions where this Agency is to be invoiced. At a quick glance you can see, by Agency, what has been set up to Invoice, how much of the monies have been Finalized, Exported, Sent, Collected, etc. and any Owing Balances.

New Agency Invoice Summary.JPG

For information on the buttons that appear at the top of the window, click here. For information on the menu items that appear under the Tools menu, click here.


The Contract Invoices Page provides a listing of all Invoices created by Bill Definitions where this Agency is to be invoiced. Modifications may be made to any Invoice that has not been finalized nor exported by double clicking the line item to open the record.

New Agency Invoices.JPG

Tool buttons found at the top of the Agency - Details screen when you are on the Invoices Page:

New customize button.JPG- Customize Current View allows you to select the columns to display and the order to display them in.

New order button.JPG- Order allows you to sort the Invoices in the desired order.

New refresh button.JPG- The Refresh button will reload the list of Invoices, in the event changes to the Invoices have occurred since you visited this page.

New update button.JPG- The Update button allows you to select one or more Invoices and change information on them. All highlighted Invoices will be changed to reflect the items selected.

The functions available through the buttons immediately above the Invoices pane are:

New add button.JPG- Add a new Invoice for the Contract on this Agency . The Invoice-Detail window will appear where you can enter information related to the Invoice.

New delete button.JPG- Delete the highlighted Invoice from the Contract. Highlight the item and click the Delete button.

New properties button.JPG- Opens the Invoice-Details window to allow you to review or change any information related to the Invoice.

Right Click

New Agency Invoices right click.JPG

- Right clicking on the list of Invoices will display this menu. From here you can change the due date of an Invoice, the status of an Invoice as well as any line items by using the Update option, as well as, finalize, un-finalize, reset the exported status, and calculate the delivery percentage of an Invoice or group of highlighted Invoices.

To change the information being viewed in the list, simply right click in the list, and choose Customize Current View. To change the sort order, simply right click in the list, and choose Order.

Update - The Update menu item allows you to to modify a property (or properties) for one or more highlighted Invoices.

Finalize - Finalizing an Invoice will prevent you from making additional changes to it. This can be done manually prior to an Invoice Export, by using this tool, or it will automatically occur during the Export. If you wish to finalize invoices using this tool, highlight them first, then right-click to get this menu option. Once finalized, the Invoice is marked so and will display a unique Transaction ID as well as an Invoice Number.

Un-Finalize - If an Invoice has incorrectly been marked as Finalized, this tool allows you to un-finalize it. Ad Manager will remove the Finalized status of the Invoice, but will still show a unique Transaction ID, indicating this Invoice was Finalized at one time.

Reset Exported Status - If an Invoice has been Exported incorrectly, this tool allows you to mark it as un-exported, so that you may Export it again at a later date.

Calculate Delivery % - This tool will tell you the percent of completed Posting Tasks vs. Scheduled Postings for the period of the selected Invoice(s). This will allow you to determine if enough postings have been completed so that the Invoice can be Finalized and Exported.

Go To - The Go To feature allows you to open a window for the appropriate item for the highlighted record.

For additional information on the buttons that appear at the top of the window, click here. For information on the menu items that appear under the Tools menu, click here.

The Filter check box allows you to filter the listing of Invoices to show only those that meet a certain criteria. When selected, a filter screen will appear, allowing you to choose to see Invoices that are due on a certain date, finalized or exported on a certain date, etc. When a filter is active, a check mark will appear in the Filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click on Filter, then the Clear button the Filter screen, followed by the OK button.


For more information on the Notes page, click here.


You can specify which Taxes this Agency is exempt from paying. This is for information purposes - it does not automatically link to the Bill.

If an Agency is exempt from all Taxes, click the "Exempt from all sales taxes" check box.

If you wish to add a Tax to the list of exempt Taxes, click the New (New add button.JPG) button.

If you wish to remove a Tax from the list of exempt Taxes, click the Delete (New delete button.JPG) button.