Unit types

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The UNIT TYPES database is used for inputting unit type information into the LOCATIONS database. The unit type typically refers to special conditions concerning the face itself. Examples would include a directory face for mall units, odd sized faces, units which are facing the wrong way on a one way street, or bulletins where no extensions are permitted.

Adding a New Unit Type

To add a new Unit Type, click on the arrow beside the New icon (New new button without arrow.JPG) for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select Unit Type. The Unit Type Details Window will appear, and a new Unit Type can be entered.

Modifying A Unit Type

To modify a Unit Type, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the change(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save (New save button.JPG) button.

Deleting a Unit Type

To delete a Unit Type, simply click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item you wish to delete. Click the Delete icon (New delete button.JPG). Ad Manager will not allow you to delete a Unit Type if it is already in use.