Changing the owner of work space items in Ad Manager

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You may want to transfer the folders, saved finders and baskets located in one user's Personal Folders to a new user - for instance when switching from SQL Server authentication to Windows authentication.

To do that, run the following SQL statement against the Ad Manager database:

update [Bom_WorkspaceItem] set [UserId] = N'new-user' where [UserId] = N'current-user'

Where current-user is the name of the existing user and new-user is the name of the new user.

For example, if while switching from SQL Server authentication to Windows authentication you want to transfer the workspace items of the SQL Server user jsmith to the Active Directory user John Smith in the Acme domain, you would run the following statement:

update [Bom_WorkspaceItem] set [UserId] = N'Acme\John Smith' where [UserId] = N'jsmith'

Ideally, when you do that, the new user's Personal Folders should be empty in order to avoid duplicate name conflicts.

Note that this only transfers the personal saved finders and baskets but not the user's view customizations (column sets). If the user has valuable customizations that he wants to keep, before he logs out for the last time using his old identity, he needs to:

  • save to views by visiting the items where they are applied and selecting View -> Stored Views -> Save Current View As...
  • export these stored views: View -> Stored Views -> Export -> All...

After logging in using his new identity, the user can

  • import his views - View -> Stored Views -> Import...
  • apply them - View -> Stored Views -> My View