Billposter App Company Settings

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Dot2Dot provides each company with a version of the Billposter App using your preferred settings.

The settings we can preset are:

- do you require a closeup photo (Yes/No)

- do you require an approach photo (Yes/No)

- do you want to enable syncing (Yes/No)

- what is the duration you want to sync (+/ 1 week, +/- 2 weeks, +/- 4 weeks)

- do you want to automatically sync? (Yes/No)

- if you want to automatically sync, how frequently would you like to do so (every 5, 10, 15 20, 30 or 60 minutes)

- what size image do you want uploaded to Ad Manager (original size, large, medium or small)

- do you want photos deleted from the device after they have been uploaded to Ad Manager (Yes/No)