Using Billposter App

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Below are instructions to use the Billposter app. For instructions on how to set up the Billposter app, see how to set up the app.

Once the Billposter opens the app, the data will be synchronized from the server and display a list of dates that have outstanding tasks assigned to them. BPList.png

The user can click on any given date to see a list of all billposting tasks assigned to them for that date. BPDetail.png

A user can click on a specific task to see the details about that particular task. This will show them location details, including the face number, whether there is an image of the location, the address, media type and posting route details. The app also shows the creative to be posted (and if there is an image of the creative available), and what advertiser and brand is being posted.


The user can scroll down to see additional information at the bottom, including the previous posting and any maintenance required at that location.


If the user clicks on the image icon next to the face number, they can see an image of what the face looks like. The image will rotate and resize if desired.


If the user clicks on the address, a map showing the location of the unit will appear.


If the user clicks on the image icon next to the design to be posted, the image of the design will appear. The image will rotate and resize if desired.


The Billposter App allows you to set whether you must have a closeup and/or approach photo as part of your Proof of Performance. When the user clicks the pencil icon in the top right corner, they can take the closeup and approach photos for the completed posting as appropriate. They can also mark any maintenance tasks they have completed during their time at this location.


The user clicks on the paperclip icon for the appropriate item and can either take a photo or use a photo they have already taken.


After the user has taken the POP photos and marked any maintenance completed, they can preview the completion information prior to submission.


If everything is ready to submit, they click the check mark icon in the top right corner to complete the task. The Billposter App will send the completion information (including date and time completed) to Ad Manager immediately or, if connectivity is not available, when connectivity is re-established.


When the user clicks on the Billposter app icon at the top left, they will be taken to the list of tasks to be completed for the day, and any completed items will be crossed off.


In Ad Manager, the posting task information will be populated as appropriate, as will the POP images. Any completed maintenance tasks will also be marked.




We've added some features:

- you can disable or enable the sync under account settings;

- you can enable a periodic sync and adjust its frequency (under account settings);

- you can configure the app to delete the photos after they have been uploaded (under account settings);



- completing a task will trigger an "upload only" sync (not immediate but "soon", within minutes - at Android's discretion);

- you can now see the design's source plant and bin and the "return to" plant in the posting task details view (showing the "return to" bin is impossible without making changes to Ad Manager, so we've left it for later;


- you can now browse the posting tasks by swiping left and right in the detail view;


There was a request to add an option to restrict the cellular data usage of the app. Since this is a standard Android feature, we haven't done anything about it.


These are all the features we could add without having to change Ad Manager.

The builds of the app are located in "\\\Dot2Dot Documents\Client Services\Software Releases\Billposter-1.0.0".

Note that there are client-specific builds, as indicated by the file name (e.g. "billposter.1.0.0.adams.apk"). It's important not to mix these up, as they have separate Google Maps API keys baked into them. Currently we have builds for:

- demo/evaluation purposes; - Adams; - AdVision.

We can add other clients as needed - the procedure takes minutes.

This version of the app is compatible with Ad Manager 5.7.3 but it does require an update to the web APIs - the "api" sub-directory of the web Ad Manager directory (in Apache's "www" directory). This can be found in the "" archive located in "\\\Dot2Dot Documents\Client Services\Software Releases\AdManager-5.7.3-r1891".