GL codes

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The GL CODES database contains a listing of General Ledger Codes which will match ones in the users' Accounting Software. Ad Manager uses these codes when setting up a Bill definition or Lease payment schedules and they may be part of the data contained in a financial export.


Adding a GL Code

To add a GL Code, click the arrow beside the New icon (New add button.JPG) for a list of items you can add. Select OTHER, and then select GL Code. The GL Code Details Window will appear, and a new GL Code can be entered. Enter a Number (may be alpha-numeric), Code (matches the one contained in the Accounting Software and may be alpha-numeric) and brief Description that will identify what the code represents when viewed in a listing.

NOTE: The Number field must be unique, however, the Code may be duplicated.

Identify the Type as Revenue or Expense and whether it is none (-), Discount, or Tax. If it is a Revenue Type, identify if it is Commissionable (sales persons are paid commission on the amount) and/or Face-generated (used in Allocation of Revenue to Faces for Percentage Lease Payments). If it is a Discount/Tax Type, identify the Percentage and the Round To digit(s).

Modifying a GL Code

To modify a GL Code, simply click the database from the FINANCIAL folder, then double click the desired item and make the changes(s) necessary. Once you have finished, click the Save (New save button.JPG) button.

NOTE: Caution should be taken when modifying a GL Code as it might adversely affect the Bill Definition and Lease Payment Schedules. However, if the Invoice or Payment has been exported, it will not be affected.

Deleting a GL Code

To delete a GL Code, there must be no reference to it on a Bill Definition or Lease Payment Schedule. Select the database from the FINANCIAL folder, then double click the desired item. Select the Delete button(New delete button.JPG) for the record. Ad Manager will ask you for confirmation to delete the GL Code.

Lease Payment Schedules and Lease Payments - What's the Difference

Ad Manager divides the A/P function into Lease Payment Schedule(s) and Lease Payment(s). The Lease Payment Schedule(s) is used to define the Lease Payment(s) detail as well as how often and when (Recurrence) the Lease Payment(s) should be generated. It is used to determine the Payee(s), payment type, the line items that will appear on the Payment(s) as well as the amount that will be paid.

The Lease Payment(s) is the result of the Lease Payment Schedule(s) and is contained in the Financial Export file. The Lease Payment(s) can also be printed from Ad Manager's Reports menu. Ad Manager does not allow the user to add a new Payment(s). The user must add a new Lease Payment Schedule or modify an existing one.