Reservations (Digital 2)

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Reservations are the result of scheduling Player Locations to Subcontracts (Digital). They can only be created (scheduled) using a Subcontract (Digital). However, they can be deleted from the Reservations page of a Contract, the Reservations Page of a Subcontract (Digital) or from a saved Finder of Reservations.

They can be viewed in a number of ways:-

1. From the Reservations Page of a Contract - this will display a list of all Reservations for the entire Contract that have been scheduled to date.

Contract (Digital 2)Reservations page.jpg

2. From the Reservations Page of a Subcontract (Digital) - this will display a list of all Reservations currently scheduled to this particular Subcontract (Digital).

Subcontract (Digital 2) Reservations Page.jpg

3. From a Finder of All Reservations - this will display a list of all Reservations currently scheduled that meet the search criteria entered in the Finder.

All Reservations (Digital 2) Finder List.jpg

4. From the Items Pages of a Playlist - this will display Contracted and Non-Contracted Reservations currently scheduled for the Playlist.

Reservations (Digital 2) Playlists Page.JPG

To view the information about a particular Reservation, double-click the selected Reservation in a list; right-click while on the selected Reservation in the list and choose Properties; or click the Properties button (when available on a Page) when a Reservation is selected.

Reservations (Digital 2) Info Page .JPG



The Details Page of a Reservation displays some of the default information which was input on the Subcontract (Digital) Details Page.

Reservations (Digital 2) Details Page.JPG

Users can modify the fields for the Reservation as required, and Ad Manager will publish the Reservation with the revised detail.

For more information about the Details Page fields click here.


The Ads Page of a Reservation displays all Ads that have been associated with the Reservation. As well, users can add and/or remove Ads from the Reservation on this Page.

Reservations (Digital 2) Ads Page .JPG

The Page displays the From date (when the Ad is scheduled to play), the Type of Ad - Media Item or Media Set, and the Name. If there is no date displayed in the From column, the Ad's start date is that of the Reservation.

The fuctions available through the buttons immediately above the Ads pane are:

New add button.JPG - To add a new Reservation Ad, select the New button, then Select if it is a Media Item or Media Set to be added.

Reservations (Digital2) Add a New Ad.jpg

For Media Item, in the following screen enter the criteria for the Media Item that is to be added.

Subcontract (Digital 2) Reservation Schedule a Media Item Ad criteria window.jpg

Click <OK> and Ad Manager will display a list of all Media items that match the criteria.

Subcontract (Digital 2) Reservation Media Item finder result.jpg

Select the desired Media Item and click <OK> In the next window select the Starting on date for the Ad to be either "The Reservation start date" or "Let me specify" if not the date of the Reservation. When "Let me specify" is selected, enter/select the date the Ad is to start playing on the Reservation.

Subcontract (Digital 2) Select Media Date screen.jpg

For Media Set, in the following screen enter the criteria for the Media Set that is to be added.

Subcontract (Digital 2) Reservation Select a Media Set Ad Criteria.jpg

Click <OK> and Ad Manager wil display a list of all Media Sets that match the criteria.

Reservations (Digital 2) Media Set finder result.jpg

Select the desired Media Set and click <OK>. In the next window select the Starting on date for the Ad to be either "The Reservation start date" or "Let me specify" if not the date of the Reservation. When "Let me specify" is selected, enter/select the date the Ad is to start playing on the Reservation.

Subcontract (Digital 2) Select Media Date screen.jpg

New delete button.JPG - To remove a Reservation Ad, select it in the list and click the delete button.

New properties button.JPG - To modify the From date for a particular Ad, select it in the list and click the Edit button. Alternatively, users can double click the Ad in the list to open the Edit function.


The Conflicts Page of a Reservation displays any conflicts that may have arisen during the scheduling of the Reservation. (need screen shot)

Users cannot add nor delete information from this page. It is populated based on actions taken during the scheduling process.


The Info Page of a Reservation displays information about when the reservation was initially created, the dates it was updated/modified, when it was published, etc. It also shows the Unique ID the Reservation has been given by Ad Manager. (need screen shot)

Users cannot add nor delete information from the page, It is automatically populated by Ad Manager based on actions taken by users.

Media Items

The Media Items Page of a Reservation displays all Media Items that have been associated with that particular Reservation, including single Media Items that have been assigned as well as those that are part of a Media Set. (need screen shot)

The page provides details about the Media Item(s) such as Name, when it is to start playing, if it requires approval, the number of reservations associated with it, etc. Users cannot add nor delete Media Items from this page, but can view information about each. As with any list, the view can be customized to add/remove columns of data and the list can be ordered as desired.

[[File:New_properties_button.JPG] - To veiw further information about a particular Media Item, select it in the list and click the properties button. Users may double click the Media Item in the list to also view further information. Ad Manager will open the selected Media Item on the Details page, and users may view additional pages for further information. (need screen shot) For additional information on Media Items, click here.

To filter the list of Media Items in order to see a subset list, click the Filter checkbox at the top of the pane. (need screen shot). In the following window enter the criteria for the desired Media Item(s), and click <OK> (need screen shot). Ad Manager will display those Media Items that match the criteria entered. When the Filter is active, a check mark will appear in the filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click in the checkbox, and in the following window click <Clear>, followed by the <OK> button.

Other Reservations

The Other Reservations Page of a Reservation displays any others that share the same Playlist(s) as this particular one. (need screen shot)

Users may not add a Reservation to this page. However, one can be deleted. As with any list, the view can be customized to add/remove columns of data and the list can be ordered as desired.

The fuctions available through the buttons immediately above the Ads pane are:

New delete button.JPG - To remove a Reservation, select it in the list and click the delete button. Ad Manager will request confirmation to proceed; click <Yes> to do so. It is recommended that users do not delete current Reservations that are already playing, but rather adjust the duration of the Reservation(s) to stop it playing. If the Reservation has Playback associated with it, it will not be deleted.

If the Playback has not yet been retrieved from Content Manager and the Reservation is deleted, there will be nothing to associate the Playback when it is retrieved.

New properties button.JPG - To view and/or modify a Reservation, select it in the list and click the Properties button. Alternatively, users can double click the Reservation in the list to view the details and/or modify.

To filter the list of Reservations in order to see a subset list, click the Filter checkbox at the top of the pane. (need screen shot). In the following window enter the criteria for the desired Reservations(s), and click <OK> (need screen shot). Ad Manager will display those Reservations that match the criteria entered. When the Filter is active, a check mark will appear in the filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click in the checkbox, and in the following window click <Clear>, followed by the <OK> button.

Playback Counts

The Reservation Playback Counts Page displays information as to how many times a particular Media Item plays on the Players for this particular Reservation.

(need screen shot)

The page provides details about the particular Media Item, the Dates it played, Times played per Screen, Number of Screens, etc. As with any list, the view can be customized to add/remove columns of data and the list can be ordered as desired. Users cannot add nor modify an item on this page as it is populated from the connection to Content Manager. However, users may delete any item(s) from this list as desired.

[File:New_delete_button.JPG]] -To delete the item(s), select in the list and click the delete button in the top right of the pane.

To filter the list of Playback counts to see a subset list, click the Filter checkbox at the top of the screen. (need screen shot) In the following window enter the criteria for the desired Playback Count(s), and click <OK> (need screen shot). Ad Manager will display those Playback Counts that match the criteria entered. To enter filter criteria based on Reservation and/or Media Item criteria, click the appropriate box and enter the criteria as necessary. When the Filter is active, a check mark will appear in the filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click the checkbox, and in the following window click <Clear>, followed by the <OK> button.

Playback Summary

The Reservation Playback Summary Page displays a summary of the Playback Counts to date for this particular Reservation. (need screen shot) Users cannot add, delete nor modify the information displayed on this page. It is populated by information received from the connection to Content Manager and calculations are applied by Ad Manager.


The Reservation Playlists Page displays a list of all Playlists on which this Reservation has been scheduled. (need screen shot)

The page provides details about the Playlists such as From and To dates, Player Name and Output, the number of Contracted Items, if the Playlist(s) has been approved, etc. As with any list, the view can be customized to add/remove columns of data and the list can be ordered as desired. Users cannot add nor delete Playlists from this page, but can view information about each. [[File:New_properties_button.JPG] - To view further information about a particular Playlist, select it in the list and click the properties button. Users may double click the Playlist in ths list to also view further information. Ad Manager will open the selected Playlist on the page that displays Contracted entries, and users may view additional pages of the Playlist for further information. (need screen shot) For additional information on Playlists, click here.

To filter the list of Playlists, click on the Filter checkbox at the top of the pane. (need screen shot) In the following window enter the criteria for the desired Playlist(s), and click <OK> (need screen shot). Ad Manager will display those Playlists that match the criteria entered. When a Filter is active, a check mark will appear in the filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click in the checkbox, and in the following window click <Clear>, followed by the <OK> button.


The Value Page of a Reservation is used to add/modify dollar value, and display the same, to this particularReservation. (need screen shot)

Users can add a dollar amount in the Value box as desired for the Reservation. As well users can add adjustments, both positive (+) and negative (-), to the Value as required.

The fuctions available through the buttons immediately above the Adjustments pane are:

New add button.JPG - To add a new Adjustment, select the New button. In the following window, enter a description for the Adjustment and either a positive (+) or (-) dollar amount; then click <OK> (need screen shot)

New delete button.JPG - To remove an Adjustment, select it in the list and click the delete button.

New properties button.JPG - To view and/or modify an Adjustment, select it in the list and click the Properties button. Alternatively, users can double click the Adjustment in the list to view the details and/or modify.

File:New arrow button.JPG - To change the order of the Adjustments, select in the list and click either the Up or Down button.

NOTE 1: The Total at the top right of the window will display the Value with all Adjustments applied. NOTE 2: The Adjustments total will appear just to the top left of the pane.