Reservations (Digital 2)

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Reservations are the result of scheduling Player Locations to Subcontracts (Digital). They can only be created (scheduled) using a Subcontract (Digital). However, they can be deleted from the Reservations page of a Contract, the Reservations Page of a Subcontract (Digital) or from a saved Finder of Reservations.

They can be viewed in a number of ways:-

1. From the Reservations Page of a Contract - this will display a list of all Reservations for the entire Contract that have been scheduled to date. (need screen shot)

2. From the Reservations Page of a Subcontract (Digital) - this will display a list of all Reservations currently scheduled to this particular Subcontract (Digital). (need screen shot)

3. From a Finder of All Reservations - this will display a list of all Reservations currently scheduled that meet the search criteria entered in the Finder. (need screen shot)

4. From the Items Pages of a Playlist - this will display Contracted and Non-Contracted Reservations currently scheduled for the Playlist. (need screen shot)

To view the information about a particular Reservation, double-click the selected Reservation in a list; right-click while on the selected Reservation in the list and choose Properties; or click the Properties button (when available on a Page) when a Reservation is selected. (need screen shot)


The Details Page of a Reservation displays some of the default information which was input on the Subcontract (Digital) Details Page.(need screen shot) Users can modify the fields for the Reservation as required, and Ad Manager will publish the Reservation with the revised detail.

For more information about the Details Page click here.


The Ads Page of a Reservation displays all Ads that have been associated with the Reservation. As well, users can add and/or remove Ads from the Reservation on this Page. (need screen shot)

The Page displays the From date (when the Ad is scheduled to play), the Type of Ad - Media Item or Media Set, and the Name. If there is no date displayed in the From column, the Ad's start date is that of the Reservation.

The fuctions available through the buttons immediately above the Ads pane are:

New add button.JPG - To add a new Reservation Ad, select the New button, then Select if it is a Media Item or Media Set to be added. (need screen shot)

For Media Item, in the following screen enter the criteria for the Media Item that is to be added. (need screen shot) Click <OK> and Ad Manager will display a list of all Media items that match the criteria. (need screen shot). Select the desired Media Item and click <OK> In the next window select the Starting on date for the Ad to be either "The Reservation start date" or "Let me specify" if not the date of the Reservation. When "Let me specify" is selected, enter/select the date the Ad is to start playing on the Reservation. (need screen shot)

For Media Set, in the following screen enter the criteria for the Media Set that is to be added. (need screen shot) Click <OK> and Ad Manager wil display a list of all Media Sets that match the criteria (need screen shot). Select the desired Media Set and click <OK>. In the next window select the Starting on date for the Ad to be either "The Reservation start date" or "Let me specify" if not the date of the Reservation. When "Let me specify" is selected, enter/select the date the Ad is to start playing on the Reservation. (need screen shot)

New delete button.JPG - To remove a Reservation Ad, select it in the list and click the delete button.

New properties button.JPG - To modify the From date for a particular Ad, select it in the list and click the Edit button. Alternatively, users can double click the Ad in the list to open the Edit function.