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Page for Buttons.



The buttons shown in this list appear when the Agency window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Agency by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Agency and create a new Agency.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Agency and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Agency.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Agency since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Agency, as long as there is no Contacts or Bills associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Agency to a basket of Agencies.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Agency at the top of a list of Agencies.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Agency on a list of Agencies.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Agency on a list of Agencies.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Agency at the bottom of a list of Agencies.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Bill Definition

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Bill Definition window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Bill Definition by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Bill Definition and create a new one.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Bill Definition and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Bill Definition.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Bill Definition since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Bill Definition, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Bill Definition to a basket of Bill Definitions.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Bill Definition at the top of a list of Bill Definitions.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Bill Definition on a list of Bill Definitions.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Bill Definition on a list of Bill Definitions.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Bill Definition at the bottom of a list of Bill Definitions.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New allocate revenue button.gif- This button allows you to allocate your revenue from this Bill Definition to the assigned Faces.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Billposter window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Billposter by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Billposter and create a new Billposter.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Billposter and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Billposter.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Billposter since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Billposter, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Billposter to a basket of Billposters.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Billposter at the top of a list of Billposters.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Billposter on a list of Billposters.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Billposter on a list of Billposters.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Billposter at the bottom of a list of Billposters.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Contract window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Contract by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Contract and create a new Contract.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Contract and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Contract.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Contract since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Contract, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

New add button.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Contract to a basket of Contracts.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Contract at the top of a list of Contracts.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Contract on a list of Contracts.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Contract on a list of Contracts.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Contract at the bottom of a list of Contracts.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Designs window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Design by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Design and create a new Design.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Design and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Design.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Design since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Design, as long as there are no Faces associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Design to a basket of Designs.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Design at the top of a list of Designs.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Design on a list of Designs.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Design on a list of Designs.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Design at the bottom of a list of Designs.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Face window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Face by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Face and create a new Face.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Face and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Face.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Face since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Face, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Face to a basket of Faces.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Face found at the top of a list of Faces.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Face on a list of Faces.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Face on a list of Faces.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Face found at the bottom of a list of Faces.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can filter for information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Incident window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Incident by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Incident and create a new Incident.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Incident and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Incident.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Incident since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Incident, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Incident to a basket of Incidents.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Incident at the top of a list of Incidents.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Incident on a list of Incidents.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Incident on a list of Incidents.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Incident at the bottom of a list of Incidents.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Invoice window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Invoice by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Invoice and create a new one.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Invoice and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Invoice.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Invoice since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Invoice, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Invoice to a basket of Invoices.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Invoice at the top of a list of Invoices.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Invoice on a list of Invoices.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Invoice on a list of Invoices.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Invoice at the bottom of a list of Invoices.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Lease window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Lease by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Lease and create a new Lease.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Lease and Close it all at once.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Lease.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Lease since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Lease, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

New add button.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Lease to a basket of Leases.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Lease found at the top of a list of Leases.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Lease on a list of Leases.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Lease on a list of Leases.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Lease found at the bottom of a list of Leases.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Lease Payment

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Lease Payment window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Lease Payment and Close it all at once.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Lease Payment.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Lease Payment since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Lease Payment, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Lease Payment to a basket of Lease Payments.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Lease Payment found at the top of a list of Lease Payments.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Lease Payment on a list of Lease Payments.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Lease Payment on a list of Lease Payments.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Lease Payment found at the bottom of a list of Lease Payments.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Lease Payment Schedule

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Lease Payment Schedule window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Lease Payment Schedule by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Lease Payment Schedule and create a new one.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Lease Payment Schedule and Close it all at once.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Lease Payment Schedule.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Lease Payment Schedule since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Lease Payment Schedule, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Lease Payment Schedule to a basket of Lease Payment Schedules.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Lease Payment Schedule found at the top of a list of Payment Schedules.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Lease Payment Schedule on a list of Payment Schedules.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Lease Payment Schedule on a list of Payment Schedules.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Lease Payment Schedule found at the bottom of a list of Payment Schedules.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Lease window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Lease by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Lease and create a new Lease.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Lease and Close it all at once.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Lease.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Lease since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Lease, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Lease to a basket of Leases.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Lease found at the top of a list of Leases.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Lease on a list of Leases.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Lease on a list of Leases.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Lease found at the bottom of a list of Leases.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Maintenance Job

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Maintenance Job window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Maintenance Job by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Maintenance Job and create a new Maintenance Job.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Maintenance Job and Close it.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Maintenance Job.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Maintenance Job since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Maintenance Job, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Maintenance Job to a basket of Maintenance Jobs.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Maintenance Job at the top of a list of Maintenance Jobs.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Maintenance Job on a list of Maintenance Jobs.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Maintenance Job on a list of Maintenance Jobs.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Maintenance Job at the bottom of a list of Maintenance Jobs.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

MapTool Buttons

The buttons shown in this list appear from left to right at the top of the MapTool Window.

New find faces button.JPG- The Find Faces filter tool allows you to create a Face Finder for display on the map. This finder cannot be saved.

New print button.JPG- The Print tool will send a copy of the contents of the map pane to the printer.

New select tool button.JPG- The Select tool provides you with the ability to select items on the map.

New zoom in.JPG- The Zoom In tool enables you to increase the magnification level at which you are viewing the map. By placing the Zoom In tool over the map, you can click to see the map zoomed in twice as close as before, centered where you clicked. If you hold your left mouse button down and drag the mouse, you will see a box being drawn on the map. When you release the left mouse button, Ad Manager will zoom into the specified area.

New zoom out button.JPG- The Zoom Out tool allows you to decrease the magnification level at which you are viewing the map. By placing the Zoom Out tool over the map, you can click to see the map zoomed out twice as much as before, centered where you clicked. If you hold your left mouse button down and drag the mouse, you will see a box being drawn on the map. When you release the left mouse button, Ad Manager will shrink the map to the size specified by the box.

New pan button.JPG- The Pan tool allows you to move the map to see different areas not visible on the screen. To use the Pan tool, put your mouse over the map, hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse. The map will move with the Pan tool; when you release the mouse button, Ad Manager will draw the new area of the map.

New label map button.JPG- The Label Map Feature allows you to click on an item on the map, and have Ad Manager automatically label it for you.

New show face button.JPG- Selecting the Show Face Details tool and then clicking on a Face symbol will display the Face properties dialog box.

The following buttons are only available when there is a Subcontract layer highlighted in the layer display pane of the MapTool.

New accept button.gif- The Accept Selected Faces tool is used to assign an available Face to your Subcontract. This can be done by selecting this tool and then clicking on the desired available Face symbol on your map.

New release button.JPG- The Release Selected Faces tool is used to release an assigned Face from your Subcontract. This can be done by selecting this tool and then clicking on the desired Face symbol on the map.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Permit window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to add a new Permit by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

New save and new button.JPG- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Permit and create a new Permit.

New save and close button.JPG- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Permit and Close it all at once.

New save button.JPG- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Permit.

New revert button.JPG- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Permit since the last time you saved it.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete the Permit, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

New add basket.JPG- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Permit to a basket of Permits.

New top of file.JPG- The First button allows you to view the Permit found at the top of a list of Permits.

New previous button.JPG- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Permit on a list of Permits.

New next button.JPG- The Next button allows you to view the next Permit on a list of Permits.

New bottom of file button.JPG- The Last button allows you to view the Permit found at the bottom of a list of Permits.

New find button.JPG- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

New reports button.JPG- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Reports window is active.

New print button.JPG- The Print button allows you to print a particular report.

New add button.JPG- The New button allows you to create a new report from scratch.

New customize button.JPG- The Customize button allows you to customize the report so that you can add, or change field names or field data to better suit your company's needs.

New delete button.JPG- The Delete button allows you to delete a custom layout from the reports menu.

New duplicate button.JPG- The Duplicate button allows you to create a new report with the same layout configuration as the current report.

New help button.JPG- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Site window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Site by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Site and create a new Site.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Site and Close it all at once.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Site.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Site since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Site, as long as there are no Faces associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Site to a basket of Sites.

- The First button allows you to view the Site found at the top of a list of Sites.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Site on a list of Sites.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Site on a list of Sites.

- The Last button allows you to view the Site found at the bottom of a list of Sites.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- The Duplicate button allows you to create a new Site with the same face configuration as the current Site.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Structure window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Structure by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Structure and create a new Structure.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Structure and Close it.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Structure.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Structure since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Structure, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Structure to a basket of Structures.

- The First button allows you to view the Structure at the top of a list of Structures.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Structure on a list of Structures.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Structure on a list of Structures.

- The Last button allows you to view the Structure at the bottom of a list of Structures.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- The Refresh button will reload this Structure, in the event any changes have occurred since you last visited this window.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Subcontract window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Subcontract by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Subcontract and create a new Subcontract.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Subcontract and Close it.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Subcontract.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Subcontact since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Subcontract, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Subcontract to a basket of Subcontracts.

- The First button allows you to view the Subcontract at the top of a list of Subcontracts.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Subcontract on a list of Subcontracts.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Subcontract on a list of Subcontracts.

- The Last button allows you to view the Subcontract at the bottom of a list of Subcontracts.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- The Chart button takes you to the Charting window. From the Charting window you can schedule Faces to this Subcontract interactively or automatically.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.


The buttons shown in this list appear when the Task window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Task and Close it.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Task.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Task since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Task, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Task to a basket of Tasks.

- The First button allows you to view the Task at the top of a list of Tasks.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Task on a list of Tasks.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Task on a list of Tasks.

- The Last button allows you to view the Task at the bottom of a list of Tasks.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Task Schedule

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Task Schedule window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Task Schedule by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Task Schedule and create a new Task Schedule.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Task Schedule and Close it.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Task Schedule.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Task Schedule since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Task Schedule, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Task Schedule to a basket of Task Schedules.

- The First button allows you to view the Task Schedule at the top of a list of Task Schedules.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Task Schedule on a list of Task Schedules.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Task Schedule on a list of Task Schedules.

- The Last button allows you to view the Task Schedule at the bottom of a list of Task Schedules.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Utility Account

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Utility Account window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Utility Account by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Utility Account and create a new Utility Account.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Utility Account and Close it all at once.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Utility Account.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Utility Account since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Utility Account, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Utility Account to a basket of Utility Accounts.

- The First button allows you to view the Utility Account found at the top of a list of Utility Accounts.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Utility Account on a list of Utility Accounts.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Utility Account on a list of Utility Accounts.

- The Last button allows you to view the Utility Account found at the bottom of a list of Utility Accounts.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Utility Company

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Utility Company window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Utility Company by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Utility Company and create a new Utility Company.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Utility Company and Close it all at once.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Utility Company.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Utility Company since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Utility Company, as long as there is nothing associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Utility Company to a basket of Utility Companies.

- The First button allows you to view the Utility Company found at the top of a list of Utility Companies.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Utility Company on a list of Utility Companies.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Utility Company on a list of Utility Companies.

- The Last button allows you to view the Utility Company found at the bottom of a list of Utility Companies.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.

Work Order

The buttons shown in this list appear when the Work Order window is active. Other buttons may appear depending on the active page.

- The New button allows you to add a new Work Order by clicking on the page portion of the button, or other new items when you click on the arrow portion of the icon.

- The Save and New button allows you to save the existing Work Order and create a new Work Order.

- The Save and Close button allows you to save the existing Work Order and Close it.

- The Save button allows you to save the changes made to the Work Order.

- The Revert button will cancel any changes you have made to the Work Order since the last time you saved it.

- The Delete button allows you to delete the Work Order, as long as there is no scheduling associated with it.

- The Add to Basket button allows you to add this Work Order to a basket of Work Orders.

- The First button allows you to view the Work Order at the top of a list of Work Orders.

- The Previous button allows you to view the previous Work Order on a list of Work Orders.

- The Next button allows you to view the next Work Order on a list of Work Orders.

- The Last button allows you to view the Work Order at the bottom of a list of Work Orders.

- The Find button will show the Find Window, from which you can find information matching your criteria.

- The Reports button will take you to the Reports window.

- Launches Ad Manager Help information about the current window.