Digital media module

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Digital Media Module

The Digital Media Module of Ad Manager is for users who manage digital networks and sell advertising on those networks. Contract, Player and Media information is entered in Ad Manager and published to Scala's Content Manager either manually or with a synchronization service.

Digital Media (2) Configuration

The Configuration folder contains tables which are used to enter details such as Loops, Channels, identify one or more Scala Content Manager installations, etc. Data must be entered in these tables initially in order to configure digital network advertising assets in Ad Manager. The following identifies each element of set up in the order that it is recommended each be completed.

Content Managers

Ad Manager is now able to manage advertising on Players that belong to multiple Scala Content Managers. Note that each Scala Content Manager installation will need to be identifed in Ad Manager, if users are going to use Ad Manager to manage the advertising.


The following data will be entered on the Details page of each Scala Content Manager that is identified in Ad Manager.

Content Manager Details.jpg

URL - In this field identify the URL for the Scala Content Manager. To verify that this information is correct, click on the arrow at the end of the field. If correct, it will launch Content Manager at the log-in screen.

Content Manager Log-In Screen.jpg

User ID- This field is used to enter the Web Services Authentication Username that has been entered in Scala Content Manager.

Password - This is the password that has been associated with the User ID in the Scala Content Manager's Web Services Authentification.

CM Web Services Log-In.jpg

NOTE: Both the User ID and Password must match exactly what has been entered in the Scala Content Manager. Click the <Test> button to verify that Ad Manager will connect to the Scala Content Manager. If successful, this window will appear.

Successful CM Connection.jpg

Click <OK> to close the window.

If you cannot successfully connect, check to see if there is a tab called "Legacy". If there is, go to that tab and enter the connection information there and try testing again.

Name - Enter the name of the Scala Content Manager. This is for ease of identification when looking at a listing of multiple Scala Content Managers.

Description - This can be used to further describe the Scala Content Manager if more than one is being connected to Ad Manager.

Network name - Enter the name of the network that was entered during the installation of Scala Content Manager. If this is not known, check the Network Settings page in Scala Content Manager and it will appear at the top.

CM Network Name.jpg

Media upload folder - Identify the name of the folder in Scala Content Manager into which Media items that are uploaded from Ad Manager should be placed.

Media Items

The Media Items page contains a listing of all Ad Manager Media Items associated with this particular Scala Content Manager.

CM Media Item page.jpg

As with other list pages in Ad Manager, the list can be sorted and the view can be customized to add/remove columns of data.

Users cannot add a Media Item on this page. However, existing Media Items can be deleted and users can view details about existing Media Items.

New delete button.JPG- To delete a Media Item, highlight it and click the Delete button. Ad Manager will request confirmation of the deletion prior to it being completed. Click <Yes> to complete the deletion.

New properties button.JPG- To view the properties of a Media Item, highlight it and click the Properties button. Users may also double click on a selected Media Item to view the details.

To filter the list of Media Items, in order to see a subset list, click the Filter checkbox at the top of the pane. Filter checkbox.jpg In the following window enter the criteria for the desired Media Item(s), and click <OK>

CM Media Item filter.jpg

Ad Manager will display those Media Items that match the criteria entered. When the Filter is active, a check mark will appear in the filter box. To clear the filter and see all records, click in the checkbox, and in the following window click <Clear>, followed by the <OK> button.


The Players page contains a list of all players in Scala Content Manager that will have advertising assets managed by Ad Manager. Users can add new Players, delete existing Players and view details about existing Players.

CM Players page.jpg

As with other list pages in Ad Manager, the list can be sorted and the view can be customized to add/remove columns of data.

New add button.JPG- To add a Player, select the New button and complete the pages for a new Player.

New delete button.JPG- To delete a Player, highlight it and click the Delete button.

New properties button.JPG- To view the properties of a Player, highlight it and click the Properties button. Users may also double click on a selected Player to view the details.


Channels allow users to associate the Layout of Zones with Loops (and in turn, Loop Segments). They are associated with Player Outputs to allow users to sell and schedule Spots.

Legacy Connection

This page allows you to maintain the old login details from connections to previous versions of Content Manager.

Media Items

The Media Items page provides you with a list of all Ad Manager media items associated with this Content Manager. This list includes information on where the media items is saved in Content Manager.


The Players page provides you with a listing of all Players that are in this Content Manager that have been imported into Ad Manager for use.