Sales History

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Revision as of 06:30, 2 September 2014 by John.devonshire (Talk | contribs)

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To use the Sales History module

  1. Go to Tools-Sales History
  2. To view monies related to contracts, click Contract Summary. To view monies related to invoices, click Invoice Summary.
  3. Go to View-Options to set the data up in the desired format
  4. To see what monies were in Ad Manager as of a certain date, select the date of interest (e.g. 6/1/2014).
  5. Use the Filter to identify the criteria you wish to use to create this report (e.g. filtering by a certain sales person)
  6. To subtotal monies on certain criteria, select Group by and identify what items you wish to group by (e.g. by Sales office, then by status)
  7. Select the start date, interval and number of intervals to report on (e.g. 7/1/2014, duration - 1 month(s), number -12
  8. Click OK.
  9. The report will show a number of lines, each identifying the monies associated with the grouping for that time frame. To see a listing of contract or invoice versions that create a particular line, double click that line for additional detail.
  10. To see detail about a particular contract or invoice version, double click the desired contract/invoice version. This will identify the time period this version of the contract/invoice existed, along with the relevant details.
  11. If you wish to select different columns of information to add to this report, go to View-Columns
  12. If you wish to copy the data to Excel, highlight all lines you wish to export (to export all lines, go to View-Select All) and go to File-Copy to Clipboard
  13. Open Excel and click Edit-Paste

Using the Finder

  1. Go to Tools-Find
  2. Select Contract Versions or Invoice Versions as appropriate
  3. Using the finder screen, identify the filtering criteria you wish to use. For example, if you wish to see all invoices that were changed in the current week, select Current week in the Till field
  4. Click Tools-Find
  5. Double click on the item you wish to review.

Reviewing a particular Contract or Invoice

  1. Go to the Contract/Invoice you wish to review
  2. Go to the Versions tab
  3. A listing of all versions of this Contract/Invoice will be listed.
  4. Double click the appropriate item to see the details of that version of the Contract/Invoice or customize the view to see the columns of information you wish to review