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The STATE/PROVINCE database is used throughout Ad Manager in its reports and posting cards/instructions. These data are part of the SITE detail, and especially valuable when the inventory is located in more than one State/Province.

Adding a New State/Province

To add a new State, click on the arrow beside the New icon (New new button without arrow.JPG) for a list of items that can be added. Select OTHER, and then select State. The State Details Window will appear, and a new State/Province can be entered. Associate the State/Province with a Country. if desired. Enter a Population for the State, if desired.

Modifying a State/Province

To modify a State or Province, click the database from the OTHER folder, then double click the desired item and make the necessary change(s). When completed, click the Save (New save button.JPG) button.

Deleting a State/Province

To delete a State/Province, it must not be associated with a Site. Click the database from the OTHER folder, then highlight the item to be deleted. Click the Delete icon (New delete button.JPG). Ad Manager will ask for confirmation to delete the State/Province.