Difference between revisions of "How to Configure Apache for HTTPS"

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(Configure Apache)
(Download and install the OpenSSL utility)
(10 intermediate revisions by one user not shown)
Line 15: Line 15:
=== Download and install the OpenSSL utility ===
=== Download and install the OpenSSL utility ===
You can download a binary distribution of the utility by following the links on the [https://www.openssl.org/related/binaries.html OpenSSL Project site] (e.g. [http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html OpenSSL for Windows]).
You can download a binary distribution of the utility by following the links on the [https://www.openssl.org/community/binaries.html OpenSSL Project site] (e.g. [http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html OpenSSL for Windows]).
The recommended download for Windows is the [http://slproweb.com/download/Win32OpenSSL_Light-0_9_8zb.exe Win32 OpenSSL v0.9.8zb Light] installer.
When you run the installer you'll be prompted to specify a destination folder for the installation. You can accept the default (<code>C:\OpenSSL</code>) or change it.
When you run the installer you'll be prompted to specify a destination folder for the installation. You can accept the default (<code>C:\OpenSSL</code>) or change it.
Line 95: Line 93:
* Locate the WampServer program folder: click the WampServer tray icon, select '''www directory''', and click the '''Up''' button in the Windows Explorer window.
* Locate the WampServer program folder: click the WampServer tray icon, select '''www directory''', and click the '''Up''' button in the Windows Explorer window.
* Navigate down to the Apache configuration folder: <code>bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf</code>.
* Navigate down to the Apache configuration folder: <code>bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf</code> (replace <code>Apache2.x.x</code> with your Apache version).
* Create a sub-folder for the server key file (e.g. <code>ssl-key</code>) and copy the <code>server.key</code> file into it.
* Create a sub-folder for the server key file (e.g. <code>ssl-key</code>) and copy the <code>server.key</code> file into it.
* Create a sub-folder for the server certificate file (e.g. <code>ssl-crt</code>) and copy the <code>server.crt</code> file into it.
* Create a sub-folder for the server certificate file (e.g. <code>ssl-crt</code>) and copy the <code>server.crt</code> file into it.
Line 123: Line 121:
This section assumes your WampServer is installed in <code>C:\Applications\wamp</code>; substitute your WampServer program folder path in the values below.
This section assumes your WampServer is installed in <code>C:\Applications\wamp</code>; substitute your WampServer program folder path in the values below.
Edit the <code>httpd_ssl.conf</code> file, located in the <code>bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf\extra</code> sub-folder of your WampServer program folder:
Edit the <code>httpd_ssl.conf</code> file, located in the <code>bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf\extra</code> sub-folder of your WampServer program folder (replace <code>Apache2.x.x</code> with your Apache version):
* Edit the <code>DocumentRoot</code> setting:
* Edit the <code>DocumentRoot</code> setting:
  DocumentRoot "C:/Applications/wamp/www"
  DocumentRoot "C:/Applications/wamp/www"
* Edit the <code>ServerName</code> setting:
ServerName www.mydomain.com:443
* Edit the <code>ErrorLog</code> setting:
* Edit the <code>ErrorLog</code> setting:
Line 147: Line 149:
* Edit the access options for the document root directory:
* Edit the access options for the document root directory:
: Find the following section:
  <Directory "C:/Applications/wamp/www">
    SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
  <Directory "...">
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all denied
: Replace it with:
* Edit the access options for the application directory
  <Directory "C:/Applications/wamp/www">
  <Directory "C:/Applications/wamp/www/ad-manager">
     SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
     SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
     Options FollowSymLinks
     AllowOverride All
     AllowOverride All
     Order allow,deny
     Require all granted
    allow from all
Line 169: Line 171:
== Configure PHP ==
== Configure PHP ==
Edit the <code>php.ini</code> file: click the WampServer tray icon and select '''PHP''' -> '''php.ini'''.
* Uncomment the following line:
== Test the configuration and restart the Apache service ==
To test the Apache configuration run the following command line (replace <code>Apache2.x.x</code> with your Apache version):
C:\Applications\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\bin\httpd -t
Resolve the configuration issues, if any, and restart the Apache service.
=== Configure Windows Firewall ===
Enable inbound connections to TCP port 443.
== External Links ==
== External Links ==

Latest revision as of 12:13, 10 December 2015

To secure your web server with SSL/TLS encryption, you need to obtain a digital certificate from a trusted certificate authority and enable the SSL/TLS cryptographic protocols on your server.

This article describes:

  • how to generate a self-signed certificate, which can be used to test the configuration;
  • how to enable SSL/TLS on the WampServer 2.4 distribution of Apache and PHP.


Generate a server key pair and a server certificate

For deployment purposes you need to obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority (e.g. Symantec or GoDaddy. Those are pricey.

To test your server configuration, you can use a self-signed certificate. (The browser won't recognize it and will ask the users to proceed at their own risk.)

This section describes how to create a self-signed X.509 certificate using the OpenSSL utility.

Download and install the OpenSSL utility

You can download a binary distribution of the utility by following the links on the OpenSSL Project site (e.g. OpenSSL for Windows).

When you run the installer you'll be prompted to specify a destination folder for the installation. You can accept the default (C:\OpenSSL) or change it.

This article assumes you installed in the utility in the C:\Applications\OpenSSL folder.

Generate a server key pair and a server certificate using the OpenSSL utility

Open a command prompt window and run the following command:

C:\Applications\OpenSSL\bin\openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -sha1 -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.crt

Here's what the options mean:

  • -x509 identifies that a certificate is required, rather than just a certificate request;
  • -days 365 sets the certificate to expire in a year;
  • -sha1 specifies that SHA1 encryption should be used;
  • rsa:1024 sets the key as 1024 bit RSA;
  • -nodes specifies no passphrase;
  • -keyout and -out specify where to store the key and certificate.

The utility will prompt you for the following information:

  • Country Name; type the two-letter code of your country (e.g. CA);
  • State or Province Name; type the name of your state or province (e.g. Ontario);
  • Locality Name; type the name of your city (e.g. Toronto);
  • Organization Name; type the name of your organization (e.g. Dot2Dot Communications Inc.);
  • Organizational Unit Name; type the name of your group (e.g. R&D) or leave blank;
  • Common Name; type the fully qualified domain name of your server (e.g. www.mydomain.com);
  • Email Address; type a contact email address or leave blank.

The command will create two files in the current folder:

  • server.key, which looks like this:
  • server.crt, which looks like this:

Copy the key and certificate files to the server

  • Locate the WampServer program folder: click the WampServer tray icon, select www directory, and click the Up button in the Windows Explorer window.
  • Navigate down to the Apache configuration folder: bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf (replace Apache2.x.x with your Apache version).
  • Create a sub-folder for the server key file (e.g. ssl-key) and copy the server.key file into it.
  • Create a sub-folder for the server certificate file (e.g. ssl-crt) and copy the server.crt file into it.

Note: take steps to prevent unauthorized access to your key file.

Configure Apache

Edit the Apache configuration file

Edit the httpd.conf file, located in the bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf sub-folder of your WampServer program folder:

  • Uncomment the following line:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
  • Uncomment the following line:
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/mod_socache_shmcb.so
  • Uncomment the following line:
Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

Edit the Apache SSL configuration file

This section assumes your WampServer is installed in C:\Applications\wamp; substitute your WampServer program folder path in the values below.

Edit the httpd_ssl.conf file, located in the bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\conf\extra sub-folder of your WampServer program folder (replace Apache2.x.x with your Apache version):

  • Edit the DocumentRoot setting:
DocumentRoot "C:/Applications/wamp/www"
  • Edit the ServerName setting:
ServerName www.mydomain.com:443
  • Edit the ErrorLog setting:
ErrorLog "C:/Applications/wamp/logs/apache_ssl_error.log"
  • Edit the TransferLog setting:
TransferLog "C:/Applications/wamp/logs/ssl_access.log"
  • Edit the SSLCertificateFile setting:
SSLCertificateFile "conf/ssl-crt/server.crt"
  • Edit the SSLCertificateKeyFile setting:
SSLCertificateKeyFile "conf/ssl-key/server.key"
  • Edit the access options for the document root directory:
<Directory "C:/Applications/wamp/www">
    SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Require all denied
  • Edit the access options for the application directory
<Directory "C:/Applications/wamp/www/ad-manager">
    SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
  • Edit the CustomLog setting:
CustomLog "C:/Applications/wamp/logs/ssl_request.log" \
          "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

Configure PHP

Edit the php.ini file: click the WampServer tray icon and select PHP -> php.ini.

  • Uncomment the following line:

Test the configuration and restart the Apache service

To test the Apache configuration run the following command line (replace Apache2.x.x with your Apache version):

C:\Applications\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.x.x\bin\httpd -t

Resolve the configuration issues, if any, and restart the Apache service.

Configure Windows Firewall

Enable inbound connections to TCP port 443.

External Links

Wamp2 HTTPS and SSL Setup Step-by-Step guide

Step-by-step: Configuring SSL Under Apache

Apache SSL/TLS Encryption

Wikipedia: HTTPS

Wikipedia: Transport Layer Security

OpenSSL Project

Symantec SSL Certificates

GoDaddy SSL Certificates