Difference between revisions of "How to Configure a Web Ad Manager Server"

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(Install and configure the Apache HTTP Server and the PHP preprocessor)
(Configure the Web Ad Manager COM+ application)
(81 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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== Summary ==
Web Ad Manager consists of the following parts:
Web Ad Manager consists of the following parts:
* the Ad Manager desktop application components: these include the ActiveX components which expose the Ad Manager data and business logic to the web application;
* the Ad Manager desktop application components: these include the ActiveX components which expose the Ad Manager data and business logic to the web application;
Line 7: Line 5:
* the web application files: the HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and other files which make up the web application.
* the web application files: the HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and other files which make up the web application.
To configure a Web Ad Manager server we need to make sure all of these elements are installed and configured.  
Please note that the Web Ad Manager Server components cannot be installed on a machine that has IIS currently installed on it, as this is incompatible with the server components used.
== Install Ad Manager ==
== Install Ad Manager ==
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== Install and configure the Ad Manager Web Host service ==
== Install and configure the Ad Manager Web Host service ==
The Ad Manager Web Host service provides a process context in which the web application will load Ad Manager's business logic ActiveX components.
=== Set up a Windows user account for the Web Host service ===
=== Set up a user account for the Web Host service ===
The Web Host service needs to run as a Windows user who:
The Web Host service needs to run as a user who:
* can run Ad Manager if logged on interactively;
* can run Ad Manager if logged on interactively;
* belongs to the local machine's "Administrators" group.
* belongs to the local machine's "Administrators" group.
Ideally, you'll designate a user account specifically for the Web Host service. It can be a local machine or a domain account.
1. Pick or create a user account; make sure the account belongs to the local "Administrators" group.
==== Steps ====
2. Log on as that user, run Ad Manager and import the Ad Manager serial number and license into the user profile.
Pick or create a user account.
3. Make sure you can access all Ad Manager databases that will be exposed through the web application.
Make sure the account belongs to the local "Administrators" group.
=== Install and register the Web Host service ===
Log on as the user, run Ad Manager and import the Ad Manager serial number and license into the user profile.
1. Run the Ad Manager Web Host installer (<code>Amwh.msi</code>); install for "Everyone".
If you're using Windows authentication to access the Ad Manager databases in SQL Server, grant the user account access to all database that will be exposed through the  
2. Register the service: run cmd.exe as an administrator and execute the following commands:
web application.
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dot2Dot\Ad Manager Web Host"
cpwh.exe -service
=== Install and register the Web Host service ===
3. Use the "Services" management console to configure the "Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host Service" to log on as the user account you configured earler.
The Web Host is an out-of-process ActiveX server packaged as a Windows service.
4. Test the configuration by starting and stopping the service.
Its installer will place the executable on the drive but it will not register it as a service; you'll need to do that manually.
=== Configure the Web Ad Manager COM+ application ===
When the service is registered, it will be configured to run as the "Loca System" account; you'll need to change that manually.
This step is required if you're installing the 64-bit version of WampServer. It will make the required Ad Manager components, which are 32-bit, accessible to the web application.
There's no need to change the service startup type from "Manual" to "Automatic" - the service will be started when needed.
1. Launch the "Component Services" management console.
==== Steps ====
2. Create a COM+ server application called "Web Ad Manager", running as "Local Service".
Run the Ad Manager Web Host installer ("Amwh.msi").
3. Import the "Cpwh.DateTime" coponent from the 32-bit registry into the application.
Install the program for "Everyone", not "Just me".
=== Configure the Web Host database connections ===
Register the service: select the "Register Service" shortcut in "Start -> All Programs -> Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host".
Select the "Configure" shortcut in "Start : All Programs : Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host" and add a connection for each database that will be exposed through the web application.
Configure the Ad Manager Web Host service to run as the designated user:
== Set Up the Web Server ==
* Open the "Services" management console;
* Right-click on the "Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host Service" and select "Properties";
* Go to the "Log On" tab;
* Select "This account" in the "Log on as" options;
* Enter the account name in the form <code>domain\user</code> if it's a domain account or <code>.\user</code> if it's a local machine account;
* Enter and confirm the password;
* Click "OK".
=== Configure the database connections for the Web Host service ===
=== Install WampServer ===
The web application can expose the data in one or more Ad Manager databases. The Web Host service needs to know how to connect to those databases.
Follow the instructions at the [http://www.wampserver.com/en/ WampServer download page]. The latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable components are a pre-requisite.
Each database connection is identified by a unique name. When sharing Ad Manager items online, the connection name will be part of the generated URL. If there's only
=== Allow incoming connections to the web server port ===
one Ad Manager database you can leave the connection name blank.
Use the "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" management console to allow the incoming connections.
==== Steps ====
=== Select the appropriate PHP version ===
Run the Ad Manager Web Host configuration utility: select the "Configure" shortcut in "Start -> All Programs -> Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host.
The highest PHP version the Ad Manager web applications are compatible with is 7.3.x.
Go to the "Ad Manager Connections" tab.
=== Tweak the PHP configuration ===
Add an entry for each Ad Manager database that will be accessible through the web application:
Edit the "php.ini" file.
* click the "New" button;
* enter a unique name for the connection;
* enter the SQL Server name or IP address;
* enter the SQL Server database name;
* enter the SQL Server user id and password; if those are left blank, the Web Host service will use Windows authentication to connect to SQL Server;
* click "Test..." to verify the connection;
* click "OK" to save the connection.
Click "Apply" to save the changes or "OK" to save the changes and close the configuration utility.
1. Disable the script execution timeout:
== Install and configure the Apache HTTP Server and the PHP preprocessor ==
max_execution_time = 0
The web application requires an [http://httpd.apache.org/ Apache HTTP Server] (2.4.x or later) with a [http://www.php.net/ PHP preprocessor] (5.4.x or later).
2. Remove the memory limit:
Although it's possible to download and install Apache and PHP individually, we use a distribution called [http://www.wampserver.com/en/ WampServer] which bundles Apache and PHP (plus MySQL, which is not required by Ad Manager) along with some convenient configuration and administration tools.
memory_limit = -1
=== Install WampServer ===
=== Create the Ad Manager web applications ===
Extract the web application archives into sub-directories of the Apache document root directory (usually C:\wamp64\www<code></code>). Your directory structure should look like this:
- wam
  + api
  + fonts
  + img
  + js
- wam-pub
  + api
  + fonts
  + img
  + js
Edit the "httpd-vhosts.conf" file to enable remote access to the new directories.
# Virtual Hosts
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName localhost
  ServerAlias localhost
  DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www"
  <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/">
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require local
  <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/wam">
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
  <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/wam-pub">
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
=== Schedule a nightly restart of the services ===
Create a batch file to stop, force the termination of, and restart the Wampapache and Ad Manager Web Host services:
@echo off
net stop wampapache
taskkill /f /im httpd.exe
net stop cpwh
taskkill /f /im cpwh.exe
net start wampapache
Note: the Ad Manager Web Host service starts on demand and doesn't need to be started explicitly.
Use the task scheduler to set up a task to execute the batch file nightly:
* Run whether user is logged on or not;
* Run with highest privileges.
== Configure the Ad Manager web features ==
1. Edit the online sharing options: "Tools : Options : Online Sharing".
2. Import the web application roles: "Tools : Import Web App : From URL...".
3. Create Web Users.
== Configure SSL/TLS ==
=== Purchase an SSL certificate ===
1. Create a server key and a certificate signing request (CSR).
E.g. using OpenSSL:
openssl genrsa -out host.example.com.key 2048
openssl req -new -key host.example.com.key -out host.example.com.csr
==== Steps ====
2. Use the CSR to purchase an SSL certificate from a certificate issuing authority, e.g. [https://www.digicert.com/ Digicert], [https://godaddy.com GoDaddy], etc.
Go to the [http://www.wampserver.com/en/ WampServer download page].
To create a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL:
Select the appropriate download, depending on your server's architecture:
* WAMPSERVER (32 BITS & PHP 5.4) 2.4 or
openssl x509 -req -in host.example.com.csr -signkey host.example.com.key  -days 365 -out host.example.com.crt
* WAMPSERVER (64 BITS & PHP 5.4) 2.4.
When you click the download button, you'll get a message which contains the following:
=== Configure Apache for SSL ===
* a link to the WampServer download;
* a warning that WampServer requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package;
* links to the 32-bit and the 64-bit installers of that package.
Open the WampServer download link in a new tab and let the browser download the WampServer installer. (''Warning'': it's a SourceForge download - tread carefully).
1. Copy the server key and the SSL certificates to a subdirectory of your Apache installation, e.g. C:\wamp64\ssl:
Open the appropriate Visual C++ link and download the installer. Alternatively, you can use these links:
* [http://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=8328 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)]
* [http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)]
Run the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package installer.
Here "host.example.com.key" is the server key (in PEM format), "host.example.com.crt" is the SSL certificate you purchased (in PEM format), and "host.example.com.chain.crt" is the intermediate (or chain) certificate of the certificate issuing authority (in PEM format).
Run the WampServer installer. The default installation folder is <code>C:\wamp</code>; you can change that, but don't bury it too deep so the web application file  
2. Edit the "httpd.conf" file:
paths don't get too long.
Edit the port Apache will listen to:
Run WampServer. A green "W" icon should appear in the taskbar notification area ("tray").
Listen [::0]:443
=== Configure Apache ===
Uncomment the line that loads the SSL module:
==== Steps ====
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
Verify that port 80 is not used by another service:
3. Edit the "httpd-vhosts.conf" file:
* Click the WampServer tray icon and select ""Apache -> Service -> Test Port 80";
* You should see the following message (in a command prompt window):
Your port 80 is actually used by :
Server: Apache/2.4.4 (Win32) PHP/5.4.16
Press Enter to exit...
* If port 80 is used by another service you'll have to resolve the conflict.
Allow access to the Apache server from IP addresses other than localhost:
Specify the port of the virtual host, update the server name if necessary, and add the SSL directives.
* Open the Apache config file (<code>httpd.conf</code>): click the WampServer tray icon and select "Apache -> httpd.conf";
* Locate the following text:
#  onlineoffline tag - don't remove
      Order Deny,Allow
      Deny from all
      Allow from
      Allow from ::1
      Allow from localhost
* Change it to:
#    onlineoffline tag - don't remove
      Order Allow,Deny
      Allow from all
* Save the file
* Restart the Apache service: click the WampServer tray icon and select "Apache -> Service -> Restart Service";
Enable the Apache "rewrite" module:
* Click the WampServer tray icon and select"Apache -> Apache Modules";
<VirtualHost *:443>
* Scroll to <code>rewrite_module</code> and make sure it's checked; this will un-comment a line in the <code>httpd.conf</code> file:
  ServerName host.example.com
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateFile "${INSTALL_DIR}/ssl/host.example.com.crt"
  SSLCertificateKeyFile "${INSTALL_DIR}/ssl/host.example.com.key"
  SSLCertificateChainFile "${INSTALL_DIR}/ssl/host.example.com.chain.crt"
=== Configure PHP ===
Note: the name specified in the ServerName directive must match the name in the certificate.
==== Steps ====
4. Restart the Apache service.
Enable the COM/.NET extension
5. Ensure the firewall is not blocking incoming traffic to the port Apache is listening to.
* Open the <code>php.ini</code> file: click the WampServer tray icon and select "PHP -> php.ini";
* Serach the file for the following section and if you don't find it, add it to the bottom of the file:
* If you made changes, save them and restart the Apache service.
== Install and configure the Ad Manager web application ==
See also: [https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/ssl/ssl_howto.html SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: How-To].

Latest revision as of 14:27, 27 January 2023

Web Ad Manager consists of the following parts:

  • the Ad Manager desktop application components: these include the ActiveX components which expose the Ad Manager data and business logic to the web application;
  • the Ad Manager Web Host service: it provides the context in which the web application loads the Ad Manager ActiveX components;
  • the Apache HTTP Server with a PHP preprocessor: it makes the web application accessible on the Internet;
  • the web application files: the HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and other files which make up the web application.

Please note that the Web Ad Manager Server components cannot be installed on a machine that has IIS currently installed on it, as this is incompatible with the server components used.


Install Ad Manager

Install Ad Manager (including any add-ins) as if you're setting up another client workstation.

Install and configure the Ad Manager Web Host service

Set up a Windows user account for the Web Host service

The Web Host service needs to run as a Windows user who:

  • can run Ad Manager if logged on interactively;
  • belongs to the local machine's "Administrators" group.

1. Pick or create a user account; make sure the account belongs to the local "Administrators" group.

2. Log on as that user, run Ad Manager and import the Ad Manager serial number and license into the user profile.

3. Make sure you can access all Ad Manager databases that will be exposed through the web application.

Install and register the Web Host service

1. Run the Ad Manager Web Host installer (Amwh.msi); install for "Everyone".

2. Register the service: run cmd.exe as an administrator and execute the following commands:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dot2Dot\Ad Manager Web Host"
cpwh.exe -service

3. Use the "Services" management console to configure the "Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host Service" to log on as the user account you configured earler.

4. Test the configuration by starting and stopping the service.

Configure the Web Ad Manager COM+ application

This step is required if you're installing the 64-bit version of WampServer. It will make the required Ad Manager components, which are 32-bit, accessible to the web application.

1. Launch the "Component Services" management console.

2. Create a COM+ server application called "Web Ad Manager", running as "Local Service".

3. Import the "Cpwh.DateTime" coponent from the 32-bit registry into the application.

Configure the Web Host database connections

Select the "Configure" shortcut in "Start : All Programs : Dot2Dot Ad Manager Web Host" and add a connection for each database that will be exposed through the web application.

Set Up the Web Server

Install WampServer

Follow the instructions at the WampServer download page. The latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable components are a pre-requisite.

Allow incoming connections to the web server port

Use the "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" management console to allow the incoming connections.

Select the appropriate PHP version

The highest PHP version the Ad Manager web applications are compatible with is 7.3.x.

Tweak the PHP configuration

Edit the "php.ini" file.

1. Disable the script execution timeout:

max_execution_time = 0

2. Remove the memory limit:

memory_limit = -1

Create the Ad Manager web applications

Extract the web application archives into sub-directories of the Apache document root directory (usually C:\wamp64\www). Your directory structure should look like this:

- wam
  + api
  + fonts
  + img
  + js
- wam-pub
  + api
  + fonts
  + img
  + js

Edit the "httpd-vhosts.conf" file to enable remote access to the new directories.

# Virtual Hosts
<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerName localhost
  ServerAlias localhost
  DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www"
  <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/">
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require local
  <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/wam">
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
  <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/wam-pub">
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Schedule a nightly restart of the services

Create a batch file to stop, force the termination of, and restart the Wampapache and Ad Manager Web Host services:

@echo off
net stop wampapache
taskkill /f /im httpd.exe
net stop cpwh
taskkill /f /im cpwh.exe
net start wampapache

Note: the Ad Manager Web Host service starts on demand and doesn't need to be started explicitly.

Use the task scheduler to set up a task to execute the batch file nightly:

  • Run whether user is logged on or not;
  • Run with highest privileges.

Configure the Ad Manager web features

1. Edit the online sharing options: "Tools : Options : Online Sharing".

2. Import the web application roles: "Tools : Import Web App : From URL...".

3. Create Web Users.

Configure SSL/TLS

Purchase an SSL certificate

1. Create a server key and a certificate signing request (CSR).

E.g. using OpenSSL:

openssl genrsa -out host.example.com.key 2048
openssl req -new -key host.example.com.key -out host.example.com.csr

2. Use the CSR to purchase an SSL certificate from a certificate issuing authority, e.g. Digicert, GoDaddy, etc.

To create a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL:

openssl x509 -req -in host.example.com.csr -signkey host.example.com.key  -days 365 -out host.example.com.crt

Configure Apache for SSL

1. Copy the server key and the SSL certificates to a subdirectory of your Apache installation, e.g. C:\wamp64\ssl:


Here "host.example.com.key" is the server key (in PEM format), "host.example.com.crt" is the SSL certificate you purchased (in PEM format), and "host.example.com.chain.crt" is the intermediate (or chain) certificate of the certificate issuing authority (in PEM format).

2. Edit the "httpd.conf" file:

Edit the port Apache will listen to:

Listen [::0]:443

Uncomment the line that loads the SSL module:

LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so

3. Edit the "httpd-vhosts.conf" file:

Specify the port of the virtual host, update the server name if necessary, and add the SSL directives.

<VirtualHost *:443>
  ServerName host.example.com
  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateFile "${INSTALL_DIR}/ssl/host.example.com.crt"
  SSLCertificateKeyFile "${INSTALL_DIR}/ssl/host.example.com.key"
  SSLCertificateChainFile "${INSTALL_DIR}/ssl/host.example.com.chain.crt"

Note: the name specified in the ServerName directive must match the name in the certificate.

4. Restart the Apache service.

5. Ensure the firewall is not blocking incoming traffic to the port Apache is listening to.

See also: SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: How-To.